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You can find the flash tutorials for forum v2.0 below. To open a flash tutorial, simply click the thumbnail and you will be taken to the tutorial. Please note that these tutorials require the Adobe Flash Player to be installed on your system.

 Installing phpBB

 Configuring your board

Creating and managing forums 

 Installing phpBB

 Configuring your board

 Creating and managing forums

 Setting forum permissions

 Managing groups

 Censoring words

 Setting forum permissions

 Managing groups

 Censoring words

 Managing ranks

 Managing styles

Editing a user profile 

 Managing ranks

 Managing styles

 Editing a user profile

Setting user permissions 

 Banning members

 Creating announcements

Setting user permissions 

Banning members  

 Creating announcements

 Backing up and restoring databases

Registering a user account 

 Editing your user profile

 Backing up and restoring databases

 Registering a user account

 Editing your user profile

 Creating a new topic

Replying to a topic 

Creating a poll 

 Creating a new topic

 Replying to a topic

 Creating a poll

 Sending private messages

 Using the Search function

 Sending private messages

 Using the Search function